onsdag, september 28, 2005

Tell me this night is over

Låååång natt, och jobbig. Var hos Patrik igår med Pia och Ante.
Vi spelade lite kort och såg filmen Birth med bl a Nicole Kidman. Hon "fick ihop det" med en 10-årig pojke. Lite smånasty ibland, men pojken var riktigt fascinerande, Cameron Bright heter han tydligen.

Gick sen till syster för att sova, fick en grym halsbränna, gick ner och tog samarin och somnade först vid 4-tiden, vaknade en stund senare av världens hostattack, gick ner och tog Cocillana, somnade om, vaknade ex antal ggr till osv....

Nu har vi iaf ätit varma mackor. Det var skitgott.

Blir det flytt till Tobias lägenhet så har jag fått mig flytthjälp. Supersnällt av er!

Tell me this night is over - The Ark
Why should it be so bad to be bad,
When it´s so hard to be anything at all?
And why does everyone seem to forget What it´s like to be all alone-
As soon as they Have got someone,
oh it´s no fun
It makes me wanna vanish and die
Maybe I´ll throw all my clothes Into a waterfall
And sit and spy while they all cry-
You get so silly when you´re lonely
And you think that you´re the only
Who´ll say:
I hope that someone´s gonna call And tell me this night is over
`Cause I wanna start living my life
Before I get much older
Maybe you all would consider it a joke
If I say that I hate myself
But now and thenWhen I look into the mirror
All I see is a big mistake
(And wouldn´t you)
Well, I just wanna be fun
Just wanna be the oneWho makes you smile
I just wanna believeThat I could be something to someone-
Am I the only one around here,
Who´s not gonna live my life in fear?
I hope that someone´s gonna call And tell me this night is over
`Cause I wanna start living my life Before I get much older
(- I don´t understand you!)
- And why would you?
(- Can you tell meWhat is on my mind?)
- I don´t have words to sayHow much I think I owe you,
- We ain´t gonna live our lives in fear...

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